Saturday, June 13, 2020

A New Day

They’re all new, aren’t they?
If not, they’re just another day,
which is sad. 
It all depends on the way it
looks at you.
I used to do work when I was
a plumber.
Now, all I can do is write, which
I don’t consider work;
I consider it joyful activity.
I may not be that good at it because
I don’t work at it.
All that happens is some words come
and I’m usually pleasantly surprised.
It’s sacred activity because the words
come from the universe through my mind.
I don’t vouch for the quality because 
I can’t guarantee the product
which is only as good as the receiver,
which is somewhat questionable.
This is all I can be.
I knew when to stop trying.
I stopped trying because I realized
I was already there, and relaxed.
Now, I don’t do much, I just be.
Trying to explain it seems useless.
But, the little children love my 
rainbow socks. 
What more can I give the world?


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