Saturday, May 16, 2020

Poet's Lament

The same old story
a fight for love and glory
with a lack of lead in the pencil.

Not a complaint, a love song
for all those lost on the rocks
or, straight up futilized; the play’s
a bitch when the truth is revealed.

Sisyphus run out of rocks to roll…
it’s nice standing on the other shore
that magic feeling of nowhere to go.

“My heart is an owl that is nailed, 
unnailed, renailed…” (Appolinaire)

This moment seems perfect because of
the tomato juice with tobasco and pepper,
beautiful space, a nice mental taste…
(with losing memory comes also lack of
concern about the future…"now" by default.)

And so it goes, the mornings, evenings, 
afternoons, days that flow like unimpeded
timeless water on the way to its ocean.

No argument, no clear intent, 
no overwhelming question.
Everything absolute correlative.


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