Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Poor Japan

Japan has been on a suicide course ever since 
the A bombs and they lost the war. Fukushima 
has irradiated at least a third of the country and 
people are dying.The next generations will see 
increasing birth defects and diseases. They don't 
want to have children, and the children they do 
have don't want to grow up. When I was there, 
the first question I was always asked when 
meeting someone was "Isn't Japan the best 
country in the world?"  The Japanese are 
brainwashed by xenophobia and national ego. 
The whole country is like some strange kind of 
Democrat enclave where the people are insane….
unlike the USA, where only the Democrats are 
insane.Unless a charismatic  sane person, like 
Trump, arises, Japan is doomed. Unlikely a
Trump will manifest, because the Japanese  
don't like people who are creative and powerful 
and independent. It's a hive mind overcome 
by insanity.


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