Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Day Tripper #?

La la la….dum dee dum….who cares?
watch?v=f2gyusjxBcY….live stream of 
the Obama/Clinton takedown…la la la…
as the world turns…the states go 
of these means going into the dark age…
It ain’t brain science, it’s common sense…
“common sense is not common 
knowledge”…it’s going to take a lot more
than grease to stop the squeaking…what
a luxury…front seat in the arena watching
the gladiators of the Western World try
to take each other down…pay me now, or,
pay me later…Blake, Rimbaud, Kerouac…
derangement of the senses to pulverize
concrete mind….”the eccentric is the 
basis of design.” Wallace Stevens…(and 
he sold insurance)…yes, the LSD is front
and center…no additives…birthday suit of
psychedelia…now what? …nothing to it
but to keep going…why psychedelics? 
Isn’t life confusing enough?…apparently
not…and, after all, who’s keeping track?
Sure, we have to get from point A. To
point B., but most do that without thinking. 
So, the real question is do we have control
of our own minds? What other question 
could be so important? Taking things  for
granted, which we all do, is the opposite
of being in control. And most people think
that if they’re just going along, and there
don’t seem to be many problems, that 
everything is OK. Ignorance is bliss, from
that point of view. But, of course, it misses
the point.

I could sit, silent, like the stoned Mason I am,
but I can’t seem to shut myself up, no matter 
what people think they know. “To know is
to get lost” Nanao Sakaki. “Filthy Theatre”…
Joel Gersman, exposing the Catholic 
Church’s pedophilia before it became 
fashionable to do so. Fashionable to 
expose pedophilia? Sounds strange, 
doesn’t it? Common sense would say…  
but common sense is not common 
knowledge, as we now know. If you don’t 
trust in your own intelligence, you’re
screwed from the git-go, and might wind
up in Gitmo!! Stranger things have
happened, and will continue in the 
out-of-balance world
we inhabit.

So, why? I don’t know! So, I let it go….
it seems to take care of itself naturally. As a 
character of a play I was in said: “Make a 
decision…just make it! Things will turn out 
more or less the same anyway.” (Sire de
Beaudricort in Anouille’s “The Lark”).

And so it goes, as Vonnegut was wont to 
say. Holocaust? Armageddon? Paradise?
…and so it goes. They say Feb. 25 new 
date for the end of the world. I wish they’d
make up their minds…on the other hand,
they only have to be right once.

The presence of the Lord. Shambhalians 
call it “Authentic Presence”. More than 
charisma, or, more accurately, charisma
Is the outer manifestation of authentic 
presence. Who had it? Gandhi, King,
Kennedys, Mohammed Ali…the truth 
sticks out ’til it can no longer be 
conveniently ignored. These people,
and Elvis and others, were constantly 
giving us a clue as to how life could be
experienced completely, without hesitation,
with critical thinking and common sense
as the basis of joy: Be precise, see clearly, 
know what is. In Buddhism, these are 
called the three kinds of confidence. 
That’s why soldiers follow the best leaders.
Where were we? Ah, yes, as I was 
about to say, who said that?


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