Sunday, February 4, 2018

It Can't Happen Here

There's a war going on right now between 
the deep state that is affiliated with the NWO, 
and Trump and the generals who are loyal 
to the American people. You can tell who is 
winning because the Main Stream Media 
(MSM), which is a tool of whomever is 
winning, is starting to switch sides to Trump. 
The stage is being constructed, but is not 
yet set, to bring Hillary and Obama to
justice for their treasonous activities towards 
the Constitution and American Democracy. 
Rumors abound. Guantanamo Bay in Cuba 
may be being set up for military tribunals. 
Many key politicians (Democrats) 
are resigning, as well as FBI officials, in the 
wake of revelations. The now infamous 
"memo", drafted by Republicans that maps 
the Democratic regime's actions to illegally 
gain intelligence on the Republican candidate 
by the FBI itself, in collusion with Hillary 
Clinton and Barrack Obama,, demonstrates 
treason to overthrow a legally elected
President of the United States. This incredible 
truth is proving to be an acquired taste for
an American public that has been lied to by 
it's government for decades. The depth of the 
corruption, some say, will seem almost 

And, this is happening right are 
unfolding before our eyes. It's fascinating and 

"There's a war going on right now between the 
deep state that is affiliated with the NWO, and
Trump and the generals who are loyal to the 
American people."

You know, that could easily sound like 
propaganda. And I wonder what Trump will do 
after he has secured his victory Could he 
become another Caesar? I don't think so for 
the fact that Trump really has American spirit, 
meaning that he knows people in a Democracy 
have a right to pursue their own lives, within 
the law, without government interference. 

And Trump has used the internet, anonymous 
sources, as well as alt media, to go around 
the controlled media to tell people what he thinks 
and what he's doing. Trump has cultivated an eye 
level relationship with the American people. He 
had 75% approval rating for his State of the Union 
address, even from the Main Stream Media polls!  
He is setting a standard that those who follow will 
have to meet. The crisis of uprooting treason may 
ensure Democracy's preservation in that 
safeguards to prevent future occurrences will likely 
occur...perhaps in the form of Constitutional 
Amendments. The pain of what seems likely to be 
revealed could be great enough so that, like the 
holocaust, no one will want to see this level of 
corruption happen, ever, again.


Oh, the beauty, (not schadenfreude) of you (Trump) 
saying to Hillary before whatever lever:  

"You're Fired!"

Too fall of the Romain Empire?


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