Words (1)
Filter useless nonsense
allied pessimists bleak prospectus
binge glow hangover
internal freak out head case zoo
evolution waiting to catch up
making it up as we go along
bloodstained military parade
proving we were wrong.
Trying to make you understand
as useless as senseless slaughter...
"You can lead a whore to culture
but you can't make her think." (Parker)
Barbecuing life away
every Fourth of July...
rooting for your team...
"America's Number One!"
...in imagination only.
Laws are for those that don't know how
to act naturally sane.
That's why there are so many laws,
and because those making them
are themselves insane.
The chilly orthodox swarm of empire
has had many names and faces over
history, democracy the current one.
We look forward to more of the same:
brainwashed into numbness,
not security...
steady diet of control...
paralyzing anger...
I'm not here to make you feel better.
I'm here pointing to the abyss.
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