Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hey Joe

Yes, Jimi, I went way down south
where a man can be free. No one
cares much for this town, so, it's
free. Fresh air and a nice place to
walk around, so, everyone leaves
it at that. You paid for your freedom
through a vein. No one's going 
anywhere here. That's how we got 
here. We were done with rude boy
life...rude boy in the street, office, 
bank. Rude Boy doctor: "We're 
going to have to take that
kids need to go to college."

Yes, Jimi, sorry you got sucked into
the maw of the music industry... 
certain death. "Hey, Joe, where 'ya
gonna go with that sum in your hand?"
It's still the company store....whether
you call it Mafia, Government, Bank, been had.


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