Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ex Machina

Saved by the bell
of stock market
time machine slips
on probability, and
a man escapes a 
telephone booth
Clark Kent used to
change in.

Urbane warfare
across from martinis
all the tells on 
into prospectus.
"So, what do you feel
you can add to our 
company?" "You already
know. You just want to
hear my answers."

The waiter brings another
tray of doubles. Suddenly, 
he hemorrhages, spilling
his blood over the glass
table. "Hard to get good
help these days." We 
move to another place.

"Let me be frank with you..".
Says fRank, CEO of 
Franklin Productions.
"I'm sick of robots...they
just can't brainstorm.

Shakespeare solved the
unsolvable through poetic
convention. We can't do 
that here. The A.I.s lack
one thing...imagination...
which you gotta have to
make the leap. Maybe 
that's the definition of 

fRank was getting into 
his cups. Obviously he 
already decided to hire
me. Otherwise we 
wouldn't still  be talking.

We were silent for several 
moments while the para-
medics carted off the dumb
waiter...not out of respect.

"To be without description
of to be...That's Wallace you know what
that means?"

"No, fRank, what does it mean?"

"It means to be human, beyond means that every
human, no matter how sure they
are of themselves, given a new
situation, will go beyond that idea
to face what's new.... they will,
actually, forget who they think 
they are and, in some way, use
their whole minds on the spot
instantaneously...unless their
minds are frozen by ideas and
belief, which means they're not
truely human in the first place.

So, to solve the unsolvable, put
humans into untenable situations
and see what they do. You will
lose a thousand, but, the odds 
are much better than an hundred
monkeys that the problem will
be solved by the few that are left...
crack the whip on those axions!"

"That's interesting, I
get the job?"

"Hell, you're already working."


At May 27, 2015 at 4:01 PM , Blogger John Tischer said...

anybody got me?


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