Monday, December 22, 2014

American Professional Football An Editorial

I’m not one of these bleeding hearts that feels
professional football is too violent…in fact, quite 
the opposite. I feel there should be real violence
in the sport to reflect properly the violent nature of
our American society (Well, yours…I moved to 
Mexico…what do you think I am, stupid?) 

Random murder is becoming a national passtime, 
so, our games should reflect that fact. Of course,
ice  hockey is pretty much covered. But, I’d like to
propose a few rule changes for professional 
football to bring it up to date with the American 
experience, while also adding zest to the game 

At the end of the game, the player on the loosing 
team that blew the big play should be sacrificed
to the fans. Of coure, this will take a period of 
acceptance for the viewing audience. It could begin
with a season ending injury, and go further from 
there. The benefit to the sport would be that every
game would have serious consequences…
no more shitty games or unnecessary hand
wringing over standings. And, depending on
fan approval, any limbs that get cut off can be
thrown into the stands as souvenirs.

Another idea I had, I call  “option 45”. In this case,
each team would have one play a game where they
arm any player with a 45 calibre pistol with one
bullit in the chamber. The gun is only used on
offense, and not during the last ten minutes of 
the game. The player would have the option
to shoot an opposing player. The coaching of 
this option would be a bit tricky, because if you 
shoot your opponent's best player, he’s gonna
shoot  yours which adds a delightful gangsta/
Hatfield/ McCoy aspect to the game…
so American!

These are just a couple of suggestions, but, from 
them you can see the possibilities. This kind of
play could be instituted in World Cup Soccer,
where it already sort of exists. Let’s go with the
strenghts of our (your) society!  Too soon?


At December 22, 2014 at 11:40 AM , Blogger John Tischer said...

Not too Swift?

At December 22, 2014 at 1:38 PM , Blogger John Tischer said...

There could be other options...instead of a coin toss, there could be a duel. "sudden death" could be more like it sounds.

At December 22, 2014 at 1:54 PM , Blogger John Tischer said...

if a player gets shot and dies, it's not considered a personal foul....
it's called "retirement".

At December 22, 2014 at 2:25 PM , Blogger John Tischer said...

Too Swift or not too Swift....that is a question.

At December 22, 2014 at 2:37 PM , Blogger John Tischer said...

I can't really make fun of American politics, all that stuff because, it's just too serious...nothing funny about it. It's like making jokes about the holocaust....."Well, if you didn't tell them you were a Jew....!"

At December 22, 2014 at 3:49 PM , Blogger John Tischer said...

Too Zen?


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