Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Quick And The Dead

The quick and the dead
you know what that phrase means….
(it's another two part Digital/dualistic code)
just to keep things consistent and heading in the same direction…
The quick and the dead….well….

take the quick…
you could call them fantastic human machines
of enormous invention!!!
tremendous athletic rob-o-Daddies,winning 
every contest they ever enter!!!
Even Chuck Norris is so good that everybody
gets to be him!!!

then, you have the dead….not many accolades there…
they're all just the dead. They may have been Chuck
Norris or not….even Chuck Norris doesn't care…
You can't say, "Hey! Skippy! how's it going!!?"

"WE have no trouble with the dead here,"
Sheriff Norris, (or, was that Omar Sharif?)
hey, we're all Chuck Norris now…anyway!
"the dead keep a lot to themselves anymore,"
he continued….
"It's pretty hard to read them….they don't get out much…
very few in our sand volleyball league."

Sheriff Norris informed us later, that his campaign
to raise the dead was on going.  Sheriff Norris:
"Hey, Jesus did it himself!  I'd say he was the first
Chuck Norris. He set a great example !!!!"

…it was like watching the pyramids being built
right in front of you in five minutes.

…..let's see the dead top that!!


At November 12, 2013 at 4:18 AM , Blogger John Tischer said...

brought to you by the number…3.

At November 12, 2013 at 4:34 AM , Blogger John Tischer said...

Chuck Norris: " Hey, I don't floss everyday, but my
teeth are naturally sparkly clean! Yours would be to!!
If you were me!!" you love me, Chuck Norris

At November 12, 2013 at 12:17 PM , Blogger John Tischer said...

It's hard to be a stand up comic at a funeral:
"That's old Bill there….he was nice while he lasted."


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