Thursday, February 21, 2013

Evolution Of Language

 That's the thing, Daniel, you can call it "poetry" or whatever, 
but what that means is communication...and if oral cultures
could keep their MEMORIES alive over generations....their
important experiences .....then I want to start to find ways of 
doing that through spoken poetry (not theatre)...because I've 
seen it done and it was powerful...I've done it and can do
it myself....and  words need to graduate from symbols to images, 
in fact, that's what is happening, why children are having problems 
learning to read, why cursive writing is no longer taught in American 
schools...and the handwriting isn't on the wall....the handwriting is 
on a continuously evolving computer screen.....

I think the shift of language from symbol to image is 
an evolutionary step......I'm just saying.....


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