Friday, October 5, 2012


a bell rings in an empty sky
it’s time for the new tea, the
first tea of the season

the bazaar at the temple
strangely absent of sellers

I remember the Mikosan’s*
dance…like seeing something
hundreds of years old, yet fresh….

…the 400 years old restaurant
with giant koy pond…the one
the shogun ate at, with the aromatic
herb found nowhere else.

…sitting in the sento,  bath house,
watching sumo on T.V., a ratty
looking yakusa, body tattooed,
missing a little finger….

…the food! Mongolian barbecue,
sukiyaki with Kobe beef, sitting
in the main room, fire in the middle,
cooking pot hanging from a hook
ornamented by a carved fish…Jack
putting items in the simmering broth,
pulling them out and eating them…

Fukushima, Nagasaki….
the bazaar at the temple
strangely absent of sellers.

 * Mikosan: an apprentice Gesha


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