Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Shambhala Vision?

the canopy (Shambhala) is supported by a crystal pole which is the practitioners. How to reach countless people. What binds his students (trust, devotion) “trust in what?” (Trust=loyalty)_not asking for loyalty to (SMR) as a person…it’s loyalty to the “seat” of the Sakyong, which is the seat of transmission. SMR’s responsibility as holder of that seat is to transfer that to the next Sakyong So, loyalty is to “what this stands for” (Notes from RR’s recent discussion on Dispatches)

However, if we do not make the effort to be honest and challenge ourselves
emotionally at this crossroads, in ten years time we will have just prolonged our
vacillation and encouraged another generation of vacillating minds.
(from “Letter of the Morning Sun” by SMR)

The German people are happy in the knowledge that a constantly changing vision has
been replaced by a fixed pole

And because these are the best of the German nation, they can in proudest self esteem
subordinate themselves to this leadership in ever growing numbers.

For all time to come The Party will be the source of political leadership….it will, in it’s teaching be a training school like a holy order for political leaders.

Adolf Hitler

It was the analogy of the fixed pole that struck me when I saw the speech of Hitler.
Where had I heard that recently? Why did it strike me? I’m not suggesting any similarity
between these people. It’s the use of language that interests me. The more abstract
ideas and language are, the less they convey direct experience. At times one thinks one has heard something, but one is not quite sure of the meaning. The extreme example of this would be Orwellian Double speak.

This was always the challenge of teaching Shambhala Training. Concepts such as basic goodness, warriorship, ect., have to be fleshed out with examples from real life so their meaning can be understood. Teaching Buddhism as well needs common examples. Without that element, communication can sound extremely good and inspiring, even…
but what, if anything, is actually being said?


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