Sunday, September 7, 2008


Every day is waking to the
hangover of the previous day...
the result of what was finished,
what still needs to be done.

Every life is a hangover from
previous lives...the consequences
of previous actions, what's still
left to be learned.  

All of reality is a hangover...
civilizations rise, each day a
hangover of the progress of
yesterday...civilizations fall,
each dawn the headache worsens.

Newness is an illusion..."retro"
is in this billion
people the hangovers of a twinkle
in someone's eye....what seems new
to you is someone else's hangover...
...sooner or later, yours too.

Past, present, future all hangover...
not knowing is hangover of what
you've already forgotten....
only this rain, church bells, flowers,
glass of wine, is not hungover.


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