Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Vietnam War And The Covid Crisis


The USA government wanted to send me to

Vietnam, allegedly to fight for the freedom

of the South Vietnamese. I didn´t believe the

narrative and felt it was just another

economic/imperialist adventure. I didn´t

trust the government. I wouldn´t do what they



Flash forward to now. The government tried

to get everyone to take the vaccine. I didn´t

take it precisely because the government

wanted me to.


It turns out I (we) were right. The vaccine has

been proven to not stop Covid, but to enable it.

Thousands have died and more are chronically

ill, not because of Covid, but because of the 

vaccine. Musk, Scott Adams and many other 

celebrities have come out against the vaccine. 

Even Bill Gates admits it doesn´t work.


How many will die before you people wake up

to the truth?

It seems the Covid pandemic was the excuse for the

 Trojan Horse of the vaccine.




Empiricism or scientific rationalism became the religion

of the Twentieth Century: the idea that all humanities problems

would be solved through science. The logical conclusion of this

is ¨trust the science¨, the battle cry of the lying pharmaceutical

companies that used that belief as if it were a cult.

Caste of characters:

 MSM Anchors

Hollywood pervormers

Installed politicians


executives ANTIFABLM

all have one thing in common.

¨They´re trying to kill us ALL!¨



Addendum #1

Addendum #2


Milton William Cooper


John Lear

YouTube has removed any extended interviews by. these two individuals.


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