Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The human brain is the most advanced
product of evolution that humans know
of. So, why don't scientists study it?
Well, western science is  starting 
to do just that. 

For centuries, since modern
science began, western science has focused
on what the brain puts out: thoughts, ideas,
theories, models about the nature of reality.
These models have changed, over time, but
science has gotten no closer to  understanding
what reality is. What it has done is  achieved a
greater understanding of how reality 
seems to function, and hence, has developed 
sophistication in manipulating those functions.  
But…where do those theories come from?
Where do thoughts and ideas come from? Is
the brain  just a machine of perception, or,
does it actually produce
the reality we seem to experience?

So, scientists are starting to study the brains
of meditators whose traditions have been
examining these very questions for thousands
of years. One thing that they've discovered
so far, is that experienced meditators brains don't
function the same as people whose minds weren't
developed in that   way. They are finding a stable
base of experience in those  brains that is not
confused by thoughts or swayed by  emotions.


The development of western thought, from
science to philosophy, was based on the products
of those brains, without an understanding of the
nature of those products. Scientists are no closer
to discovering what reality is. In fact,
the closer they look, the less they see. The
human brain is well capable of manipulation the
relative world; the world that we experience
through the senses. But, without polishing the
mirror of the mind, the experience of humans
is clouded with all that brain output….some of
it helpful, some not. For hundreds of years,
untrained human brains have been putting out
useless, limited concepts, such as:
"I think, therefore, I am." without asking
the important questions, such as, in this case;
"Who said that?"

Western science, the new religion, has turned,
finally, to thousands of year old traditions
to answer questions that it is incapable of.


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