Friday, December 15, 2023

Serial Killing As Therapy


I don´t drink anymore, so, occasionally, I go

out and kill a few people. Killing serves the

same purpose as drinking, but is directed

outward rather than inward. It feels much

more healthy to me.


I don´t get a sexual or power rush out of

killing. It does seem to assuage my anger

at our stupid society and the stupid people

running it, which is, without the killing,

uncontrollable. The people I kill aren´t the

people I´m furious with. Those are mostly

politicians, who are far too visible. I have to

be content with insurance salesmen if I can

get them. As far as the people I kill goes, I

don´t worry about them. They were going to 

die anyway, and should have been expecting 

it. Over time, my blood lust seems to be 

diminishing, so the therapy seems to

be working.

And I thought it up all by myself!

My only question is can I get a following like

Jane Fonda´s Workout?


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