Sunday, February 21, 2021

What If?

 What if the good guys, the white hats,

the Patriots win?

A lot of the Patriots are Christians of 

all stripes. There’s whole lot of praying

going on, Biblical interpretations of the 

times...a lot of fervor there.

What happens when you win the Crusade?

Can you adjust to a life of peace and 

harmony? I’m really just asking.

It seems like there’s a lot of energy and 

momentum there.  I don’t think the Trump

Movement supporters will ever quit,

or give up their guns,

or let the USA fall to foreign influences

and internal corruption….just a guess.

There will be and end to this particular

struggle. One side will win…for a while.

I know who I’m rooting for. 

A feeling I

have is that it’s all been played out

already, all options have been planned 

for, we’re just seeing a realistic play  

being performed for the lack of a 

better alarm clock.


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