Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Wisdom is a side effect of survival
if you didn’t kill a bunch of people
along the way.

Anyone with an ounce of sense
has a sense of compassion.

We’re all made of the same “stuff”
didn’t exist before now for forever
arose as a bio-chemical miracle
that hangs around for a while until
it gets too old and dies, is no more,
the way a tornado is merely wind…

..then, back to forever,
why do you think you’re so special,
(aside from the miracle thing)?

If there was no ego to begin with,
would anyone try to survive?
Is love just a survival mechanism?

Most people don’t get around to 
asking anything…especially these
kinds of questions.

So, as long as what you’re told 
seems to be true,
Bob’s your uncle.

Heaven help you if you have 
to think for yourself.


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