Rinse and Repeat
“Woke up, got up, went out and got laid.”
John Lennon’s diary…
same old same old
nothing new under the sun.
New, improved Cheer,
the latest i phone,
Green New Deal
haven’t we met somewhere before?
Fad mind impossible to stand still,
marching on into brave new world
where progress is blind faith of dream
utopia, Xanadu, paradise we numbly
don’t get there.
Too much time, too much time…
‘in a minute there is time for decisions
and revisions which a minute will reverse.”
Buddha had so much time, he tried to
figure out reality until he wore himself out
to the point that all he could do was sit
under a tree for seven years when it dawned
on him that nothing needed to be done,
that resistance, insistence, and ignorance
are futile,
that the continuously arising claymation
was just the game of phenomena afoot,
…so, he played.
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