Saturday, April 27, 2019

Good Morning Medellin!

Samsara is all pervasive
 even in paradise.

Nirvana is all pervasive
even in hell.

Ever changing sky, cloud colors,
storms, clear blue, perfect analogy
for mind.

The last time I started over
led to monumental miracle
changes in my life I never
thought would happen...

Medellin is big, a wilderness
full of people. 

Molecules in a closed space
(small town) tend to bump into
each other more than when
less confined.

You have to have a lot of energy
take up a lot of space
be an excited particle
to be noticed in a city.

I'm an inert kusulu.

I have no roots here...just a 
temporary platform... 
one best friend who could
go off at any moment...
just like the guru said:
"falling with no parachute,
but, there's no ground."

What could go wrong?


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