Monday, February 25, 2019

"Oh no, you don't!" (for Patton Oswald)

Passion escalator debauchery…you want
to make pedophilia fashionable?
What’s next….cannibalism?
Yes, folks, don’t laugh because 
this is no joke.

Grim bloodthirsty fog clouds the eyes.
“When you get on the wrong bus,
every stop is the wrong stop.”

Disneyland America tragedy…
a jar of flies…
how do we get out of here from there? 

Everything you know is wrong…
everything I was taught is a lie…
the mask will be ripped from your face
and you will be forced to see
the illusion America has become.

It won’t be pretty, but, it’s the only way.
Your re-education by wake up call.
A revolution is happening, while you
eat your sunny side up. 

Hillary a cannibal child killer…
Obama a Muslim fanatic…
What did you think was happening
while you were asleep?
(You can't make this shit up)

“If the truth can be told so as to be
understood, it will be believed.”  William Blake


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