Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What's The Point?

What's your point of view?
What's the point of you?

Killing time 'til death,
I'm tired of sleeping...
Let me wake in eternity.

I've counted on disappointment
my whole life...it never fails.

"What's the meaning of this??!!"
What's the meaning of life.

The truth is stranger than fiction.
"Fiction has to make sense."  (M.T.)

"Everything is more the way it is now,
than it ever has been." (Eisenhower)

"Take a circle, caress it, and it will 
turn vicious."  (Ionesco)

A point is a place in space,
a line a moment in time,
a time line,
let alone Times Square.

Stun with luxurious cultural boundaries.
Drowsy musclemen binge on fame.


At May 16, 2017 at 9:27 AM , Blogger John Tischer said...

There can't be more than one dimension without time...
hence, time is an integral part of the other dimensions.

At May 16, 2017 at 9:31 AM , Blogger John Tischer said...

Before time, meaning before the "Big Bang", there was only one point.


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