Thursday, December 13, 2012

Written In My Cabin

Are you when we need you?

I’ve listened to “Cream Puff War”
over 600 times like a paleontologist
trying to see where rock meets bone
meets mind…my roll top desk and
satellite computer connections seem
luxurious…the whole ship is astonishing
in it’s opulence….but I only crave the
simplicity and complex codes encountered
at the interior pub…wood paneled…limited
seating…demure lighting…where something
real could be said…where the bartender knows
my bar tendencies…this year cruise around
the world a true miracle and coincidence,
(let alone a fantasy)  Although what I propose
to engender: A documentary, a new play, could
offset some of the inevitable unenviable damages…
so…that’s why I’m here….because for once in
your unenviable lives up to now no matter how
much money you have you can see something
good and react positively…. Just a thought….
I could even do a radio show once a week....
of course there's more.


At December 13, 2012 at 7:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

THis is where science fiction and reality meet....let alone a brownie.


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