Monday, June 8, 2009


Some are addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Some are addicted to love.

Some are addicted to their own suffering.

Some are addicted to the suffering of others.

Some are addicted to money, fame and power.

Some are addicted to having a good time.


The doctor is addicted to his patients.

The lawyer is addicted to his clients.

The policeman is addicted to the criminal.


The Christians are addicted to God.

The Hindus are addicted to Brahma.

The Moslems are addicted to Allah.

The Buddhists are addicted to so many things;

their position and rank, their practice, their understanding,

their patrons, their students, their hypocrisy.


Most everyone is addicted to the myth of survival.

Only the Buddha and his sons and daughters

are free of worldly concerns.



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